Reviewer Information

Reviewer User Guide

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How to navigate the review process

Reviewer Guidelines

Data Reports submitted for publication in the IODP Proceedings should contain data analyses without interpretation. Thus they are normally reviewed by one specialist. A Data Report ordinarily should include a section on methods, or a comparable section that includes analytical or descriptive procedures followed, and a section on results. Please make sure that these sections are complete and relevant.

Please address each topic listed below. Use PDF commenting tools to make suggestions, minor corrections, and comments on the manuscript.

  1. Accuracy and completeness of technical (scientific) content
  2. Manner of presentation (organization, expository coherence, clarity, etc.)
  3. Accuracy of credit given to related studies
  4. Suggested improvements to article (If you feel that the article can be improved by condensing text (or expanding certain sections) or by altering tables or figures, please list suggested changes explicitly)
  5. Evaluation of figure quality (Is the quality of the art adequate for publications purpose? Please offer suggestions for improvement.)